My Keto Meal Prep

Hello Monday! I don’t know about you but I was dragging myself to coffee this morning I did not want to get out of bed. That’s the fun of kids though they really don’t give you a stay in bed option. I would say that’s a good and bad thing about kids, they keep you busy and moving, even when you don’t want too. While I’ve grown used to being very busy, I’ve noticed that if I’m not prepared I find it almost impossible to stick to my keto lifestyle. Those pesky carbs are in everything, so if you’re not prepared with low carb options your macros will go awry. Today I’m sharing my basic keto meal prep for the week. Actually most of what I show will last almost two weeks because we try to only biweekly grocery shop.

Lets get started! As we go through I’m going to list everything in the order I make it. The first thing I do is turn the oven to 350 and get the chicken ready. This week I decided to do a butter, lemon, pepper chicken. To get this ready I portion out the chicken. I always buy a big package of chicken and use it for lunches and s couple dinners. We like to have burrito night every Wednesday and some for bbq chicken during the week. After it’s all portioned I add about half a stick of melted butter and seasonings to the bag I had put chicken for my lunches. I then I let that sit while I do some other prep.

Once the chicken is marinating I get the bacon cooking. I always bake mine. I really like how it comes out and I don’t have to stand over it. It bakes for 10 to 12 minutes. During that time I work on my vegetables. I steam my main vegetable for the week. This week was broccoli, other times its asparagus. While I’m waiting for the water to boil I chop the broccoli. Easy enough, pretty straight forward. Once the water is boiling it only takes maybe five minutes for it to cook. Once the bacon and broccoli are done I get the chicken in the oven.

As the chicken bakes I cut up celery and cheese for snacks. For the celery it says 2 stalks is a serving so when I cut it I keep it portioned that way. I started wrapping the portions in foil because I read that, that will keep it fresh longer. We shall see if that’s true. Sometimes I will portion out some peanut butter to go with the celery if I know we’re going somewhere and I could need a snack. As for the cheese I’ve done prepped it enough times that I’m pretty good at splitting a block into eight one ounce chunks.

Also while the chicken cooks I get my breakfasts prepped. To start this I cook the breakfast sausage. After it’s done cooking I make sure its in small pieces. I then mix up some eggs this week I was making 6 egg muffins for a quick breakfast option. It’s one egg per muffin so I used 6 eggs and a tablespoon of heavy cream, whisked together. This week I went simple sausage and cheese muffins. I prefer to put the sausage and cheese into the baking cups before adding the egg. Then I’m sure its not going to overflow. By now the chicken is ready to come out or has already come out of the oven, so the breakfast cups go right in.

The egg muffins take about 20 minutes. While those cook I cut and portion my chicken and broccoli. I do 3oz of chicken and 1.5oz broccoli. At this point I don’t add any extras to this so that I can customize to the day. Such as bacon and butter on my broccoli or cheese sauce or buffalo sauce. Just depends on the day, but they are ready to go for the most part. There is also usually some extra chicken that I just cube and have ready for snack plates or salads.

Once the egg muffins are done they just need to cool before going into a container. And there it is that’s a basic prep for a keto week for me. I do usually prep a butter/ coconut oil bomb for my morning coffee, but very sadly I didn’t realize I was almost out of coconut oil, so that will have to wait. I find it important to note that there are some things I keep on hand that I don’t prep. Such as a bag of spinach, and sliced turkey.
Completed Prep!

Does this sounds simple enough to you? Are there other things you'd like to see on here? If you have any questions please ask! Do any of you meal prep? What are the kinds of thing you like to have on hand? Please Follow my blog and as always Live Crazed!


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