On a Keto Journey

Good morning all! So I wasn’t planning on sharing any transformation related things until I reached my goal  weight. However I have decided that the journey is very important. And that for those who are thinking about going a weight loss/ keto path as well should get an idea as to what to expect. Or if you are currently struggling while on your journey. True that not everyone will have the same experience but you’re never alone. There is probably someone out there that has gone through the struggles or fears you face. I have definitely been through many ups and downs. I know I still don’t have it all figured out, but no body does.

I’m going to give you some back story. All through middle/ high school I struggled with weight. My mom is a phenomenal cook and I am an emotional eater. Not a good combo. Still there’s no ones cooking I love as much as my moms. After high school I went to collage and walked a whole lot. My school was a mile away and I didn’t have a car. This definitely helped but I still never got to where I thought I should be. I was around 150-155 lbs and nothing seemed to help. While I was at collage I met my husband. We were together for almost five years before getting married. (We got married 5-5-13, just to give you a little bit of a timeline.)

Funny story a month after announcing to my family that we had set a wedding date, we had to change it. I was pregnant and my due date was 3 days before our planned wedding date. Good times… So I ended up being 5 months pregnant when we got married. Not something I would recommend it was very uncomfortable. The wedding photos of me are not my favorite either. Hindsight is generally 20/20, but life moves on. I was up to 190 lbs before I gave birth to my first amazing little man.
Pregnacy #2 Summer 2015

During the first year after he was born I was able to lose a bunch of weight and get down to the lowest weight I can remember 147. Well Unfortunately that didn’t last long, as I become pregnant again. And once again I got up to 190 lbs before I gave birth to my second amazing little man. This time however the weight wouldn’t come off. I exercised I tried changing my birth control, I thought I was eating healthy. All while chasing after two little boys. No matter what I did my weight stayed in the  167 to 175 range. For two years I struggled with this.

Until one day while I was at the doctor I saw someone, who was different than who I normally saw. This Doctor told me about his lifestyle choice; Keto. At first I was skeptical. I had already considered myself low carb, and with a pretty healthy lifestyle. What could be so different about keto. That’s when he explained to me the difference between a sugar burner and a fat burner. That was enough for me to look into it and give it a try. The thought of burning fat (yes please), not getting hangry all the time, and having a clear alert mind, what could be bad?

I’d say the bad is fighting my emotional eating habits. It has been a lot easier since being a bit into my keto journey, but I still have bad days. There are also days where I feel overwhelmed and whatever the kids are eating looks so tasty. I’m fairly ashamed to admit how much I’ve actually given in to those fleeting thoughts the last week or so. It wasn’t until a few days ago that I realized how bad I had gotten. For the entire first month and a half to two months of keto I did great I nailed my macros more days than not, I for a stevia I liked and got away from sugar. Thought I was in the clear.

However once I stopped tracking my macros and holding myself accountable, a French toast stick here couldn’t be bad, and a handful of Chex mix there, what’s the harm? Chocolate chips, overeating peanut butter, having a few pretzels. All these little things I’d tell myself would be no harm done, were actually causing harm. I noticed I was feeling a bit hangry more often, my face started to break out and I couldn’t get through the afternoon without a snack. My stomach hurt and I often was feeling sick. These were the signs of my body telling me what I was doing was not good for me. So I came up with a plan. I would come clean on my sneaky grazing habits and move forward. Its been a rough couple days feel like I’m detoxing all over again, but I know I’ll be better for it. Though I do have to remind myself “I will not cheat today” over and over, it’ll be worth it.
Left- Fall 2015 after kid #2. Right taken 6-6-2018

I know that being keto is what I want and I will not left myself be the only thing standing in my way of a better me. In the two and a half months I’ve been Keto I have lost about 18 lbs. After two years of struggling and trying and being told I must not be trying hard enough, I finally saw results. I am currently about 152lbs. It was a pretty intense experience for me. I feel like I have a new look on life. For a long time all I could think about was having the perfect body and getting my weight down. Now I just want to feel better, more fit, more in control. I still have a goal weight; of 140lbs but its not hanging over my head anymore. It truly is freeing when you like go of a specific you that you want and just focus on being a better you than you are today.

There’s my summed up journey so far, still have a ways to go but I am actually looking forward to it. Has anyone else struggled with the nibble problem? How did you overcome it? I’d love to hear from you with your thoughts/ struggles. I also hope that you will follow my blog and stay up to date on the crazy show that is my life. Thanks all! Don’t forget Live Crazed!!


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