Working on my Fitness.

         Ahh Wednesday we meet again. Today I am going to tell you about my fitness: what I do now, why I do and how I will improve soon. Fitness is great, and terrible. Its super hard to get myself to do it most the time then after I’m happy I did, but that doesn’t mean I want to do it again tomorrow. I’m sure I’m not alone in wishing it was a lot easier to get the body we want. Its, well its not really hard but its definitely a lot of time. I’m not trying to say either that you need to spend hours a day to get the body you want. True that would help make it faster to see results, but it’s not necessary.

Many days I don’t get much more than ten minutes in day. I always want to do more but I just don’t make enough time for it. It’s definitely something I really want and need to work on. While I’m very happy I’ve been losing weight I haven’t been doing enough to shape my body how I want it to be. That isn’t good because its going to make everything take longer. Not only am I missing out on calories burnt, but I’d be delusional to think that losing weight alone will give me the body I want. I am fully aware that I need to do the work. Well alright enough guilt moving on.

So on a average day I only get about a ten minute workout in. Its really not much but its something at least. I’m most consistent with core. To work my core I do mostly crunches. I use time not reps. I do one minute basic crunches, one minute per side of oblique crunch. I do these by having my back flat on the ground and both knees bent and off to one side. While I am doing the crunches I’m picturing touching my elbow to my hip. After those I keep my knees bent and move them from one side to the other in a windshield wiper motion. This works the lower abs, especially ones that had gotten weak from having children. To make this harder you simply extend your legs. For the fifth minute I use my weight ball sometimes I do Russian twists, other times I do a full sit-up with a reach and engage the triceps, then lower myself slowly back down. The best way to explain is to just to show.

There is my 5 minute core routine. On a perfect workout day I would do this routine twice, leap frogging it with either a 5 minute leg or arm routine. Lets look at the leg routine. For each leg, while on my hands and knees, I do a minute of both fire hydrants and heel to ceiling donkey kicks. When I started doing the fire hydrants I had to start with 30 seconds on each side. A full minute is still a bit challenging but a good challenging. The final minute I do weighted squats. I actually tend to do 30 seconds basic sumo squats then 30 seconds squats with side leg raise after each squat. Sometimes I will do a full minute of each but not always. On those days I usually also do a minute per side of weighted lunges. Making it just about a ten minute leg routine on good days. And 10 minute core 20 minute leg on great days.
Heel To ceiling Donkey Kick
Fire Hydrants.

Alright now arms. If I’m being honest I avoid arm day like many others avoid leg day. My arms are weak, and I know it. Goals. Well anywhoo when I do arms after core I will do a minute of push-ups, modified and with my elbows close to my body. I then stand and do shoulder press. I don’t use a barbell I use 2 8lb( sometimes I only manage 5lb ones).  I start with my arms bent in front of me at 90 degree angles palms facing each other, then I push them towards the ceiling and when my arms are almost extended I rotate my hands forward. This helps to target the rotator cuff muscles. And its quite hard! Okay so after a minute of that I do a minute on each side of triceps extensions. I prefer to lean forward while doing these and I make an effort to really squeeze/ flex my triceps once my arm is fully extended. After that I do a minute of bicep curls. Lastly I do small arm circles sometimes with no weight sometimes with 3lb hand weights. 30 seconds forward and 30 back. This may sound simple but its actually a bit challenging, for me anyway.

On a perfect day I would also add at least 20 minutes on my recumbent bike to a core and either a leg or arm routine. Which would put my workout approximately at 40 to 50 minutes. I hope to very soon at least do two reps of core and of arms or legs. Then start adding bike where I can. The best option for me may be to bike as soon as I get up, but we’ll see. My ultimate goal Is to have this as a 7 day plan: Days one, three and five core+ arms, Days two, four and six core +legs, and Day seven would be yoga, with either a run or biking days one through six.

There you have it my fitness routine what I do now and what I hope for it to become. Any tips on staying motivated or not giving up? What are somethings that you do? Please let me know in a comments and click follow so I can know if you want me to keep going, and adding a little crazy to your day!


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