Quick Keto Meal Solutions

           We all get busy, we lose track of time, we take on too much, it happens. That’s why its important to have a plan. If you don’t then that’s when you go looking for something quick and easy. And probably loaded with carbs, which for those of us trying to keep it keto is really bad. Also tends to be hard to resist. Its true we don’t always have the time to cook up something super tasty and healthy that hits all the right macros. There are options you just have to be prepared. The best way is meal prep but let’s be honest none of us are on our game all the time. Have no fear I’m here to help. As a mother of two that are under five years old, I run out of time…All the time. And while meal prep is a life saver, or a body saver I should say, there are still days that I don’t have something ready or I’m sick of what I have.

             I suppose the place to start is breakfast. While any of the options I’m giving today could be used  and for any meal, I’m still going to break it up. For organization purposes. Alright the obvious one for breakfast is eggs. It’s almost never that I don’t have eggs on hand. Scrambled in butter is probably the most straight forward. This is easily enhanced by throwing in some cheese or veggies or both! Another favorite of mine is a egg roll-up. Its like making an omelet only you roll it up and you can eat it with your hands. What goes into the roll entirely depends on what I have on hand. Sometimes it’s just cheese sometimes its cheese bacon and spinach. But the possibilities are endless. Most importantly its quick simple and always tasty.

         Moving on to lunch. One of my favorite lunches even when I have meal prepped is a snack plate. One of my go-to plates consist of a sweet Italian sausage link, 2 oz. of cheese, 1oz mixed nuts or almonds. If I don’t have sausage sometimes I’ll go for some salami, or ham or whatever I have on hand. Sometime I will sub out the nuts for
some veggies, broccoli or asparagus are usually what I have on hand. Other times I’ll have 2tbs Peanut Butter and 2 stalks of celery, with any combo of other things. If I have some kind of left overs from the night before I will sometimes have that. Or if I have chicken made I’ll sometimes have a salad, with blue cheese dressing and bacon if I have any made. Of course you could add more if you like other things like tomatoes or onions just make sure to check on carb amounts. That’s why I tend to keep it super simple, less carbs to worry about.

        That leaves us with dinner. Dinner is tricky because a lot of people think of dinner as a bigger more complicated meal. It can be depending on what you have on

Spinach Salad with: Pastrami, chicken and Blue Cheese dressing
hand but if you’re not prepped your options can be kind of limited. And if you are pressed for time dressing up one of the lunch or breakfast options would definitely be best. Those are the days I usually go for a salad. If I have a little more time then I will make a turkey burger, I usually keep some in the freezer just in case. With a turkey burger I keep it really simple, most of the time I just put a serving of mayo on top and find a veggie for the side. Super simple, also great for meal prep, just saying.

        Well there you have it my quick list of quick and easy meals. All very easy to make and to me at least super tasty. Just be aware that you need to make sure you are tracking so you can find the right combo to hit your macros. Also I HIGHLY recommend a kitchen scale it makes everything much more accurate, so the food your logging will give you your actual macros not just what you think you’re eating. Simple enough? What are some of your favorite quick keto meals? Please let me know in the comments below and don’t forget to follow my blog. Fridays post will be about my meal planning binder! Live Crazed all and See you later!


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