Crazy Organized

Well here we are its Friday! Not that that means too much for me, so much fun being a housewife. I am excited to have my husband home so we can get our back yard up and running for this beautiful weather. Speaking of getting things up and running, I’ve been trying to get my command center up and running. I haven’t gotten it 100% the way that I want it yet but at least it’s getting there. And today I will be giving a walk through of what I have now and how I hope to change it.

I suppose the best place to start is by saying I’m not sure it qualifies as a command “center” as I have several things here and there and its not in one place. Though I do hope to change that in the near future. The main bulk is in the kitchen, as I consider this to be the main hub of the household. Most likely once I do bring it all together it will end up in the dining room because it has the best space for it. Also that’s already where I have my printer and that’s tough to move. Next to the printer I keep my other office type stuff; stapler, 3 hole punch, paper that kind of stuff. Unfortunately with the table I’m currently using I don’t have enough room for my binders, or any additional fun stuff. 

Oh yes I use binders and I love them. I have tried doing a bullet journal where everything is together in one self made book, and I did like it but it was too hard for me to keep up with. Also I tend to be a bit OCD and I really like to make templates, where the lines are always straight and I can make everything even. It also makes me really happy that I can just print it out and be ready to go. Then I can still stay organized but it doesn’t take me hours every week to get set up. 

Moving on, I have 3 binders. I have one for meal planning, one for financial stuff, and a binder to keep my blog organized. I don’t have them all exactly right yet but I’m closer than I’ve ever been its just making small tweaks and finding ways too improve. For example; in my meal planning binder I want to have try keeping an inventory, though I may hang that right in the cupboard. I am hoping this will help to get our grocery budget under control. Lately its gotten a little crazy, but I am very optimistic that with meal planning and paying attention to what we buy vs what we use we can wrangle it in. My husband is our only income and an army salary is really not much for a family of four so having a solid grocery budget is very important to making paychecks last. 

The financial binder has our complete budget, all our bills, extra expenses like gas, and pizza. We don’t really eat out other than ordering pizza on Fridays. Then our (in progress) grocery budget. Also in this binder is a statement for each bill we have. This way if we wonder what were paying its easy to look up. This way we are avoiding surprises and when we need to talk about finances its already together and easy to look at. As of now the budget is completely hand written which isn’t a bad thing but I do hope to make a template for it soon so it will look extra organized and together. I do so love neat and tidy charts. 

My blog binder is definitely a work in progress. But it purpose is to keep my ideas organized so I don’t go wild. I need to have a plan otherwise I usually tend to try and do too much. So I planned out what I will be blogging about which days for the whole month. Then I have a worksheet for the current week with a bit more detail. I also have a worksheet for each post to work out ideas and which pictures I should aim to have, also a checklist to make sure all bases are covered. I also have a little notebook I’ve been carrying with me all over, where I can jot down ideas on the fly. 
Hanging in my kitchen I have: a calendar of appointments, a weekly menu for my family, and a cleaning schedule. The schedule really helps me a lot I have it broken down to morning and afternoon tasks, also a daily task then monthly tasks. Otherwise I tend to try and do everything all the same day and get burnt out then I don’t do anything the next day. I’m trying to get more evened out so I have a good routine, that not only keeps my house clean but also leaves me time for other things. Right now it is handwritten and a little messy for my liking so hopefully I will find some time to redo it and pretty it up. As for the tasks it runs quite smoothly when I do follow it. In the last few weeks I have
gotten much better, but I don’t pretend to be perfect and I do need to buckle down on getting into the routine. That goes for all my routines, they all need to come together. I don’t think it will be completely perfect because of life, but the closer I get I’m sure the happier I will be. When my house is a mess I’m miserable, and I don’t want to do anything. Not ideal with two crazy, demanding kids.

I also keep a fitness journal. This journal is much like a chunk out of my old bullet journal. I track my daily workouts, my measurements and progress photos which I take monthly, also I try to track my Keto macros, calories burned/ intake. I know that the calories is not 100% accurate but I like to see it all the same. Also I track my ketone levels. I use ketostix, they help me to know if I’m in ketosis. unfortunately they aren’t known for being super accurate if you are in ketosis but its good enough for me. I also have a space for a daily log, for thoughts about my fitness/ eating habits and whatnot.

Now my most important piece. I have a wonderful planner that I use to tie it all together. Because looking through all these binders for info is not very efficient. I do
find the binders to be very helpful to work everything out and get it organized then the finished products go into my planner. My planner is new and it has completely changed my organization game. I also use it to schedule things to do for myself like doing my nails or hair masks. Otherwise I tend to ignore myself. f I have it scheduled I’m definitely more likely to do it. I also have a lot of fun adding stickers and motivational quotes.

Well there is all is many pieces of a household puzzle, that help me to at least pretend to be sane, and help me get through each day. I definitely have work to do and I’m kind of excited to put it together and make a amazing looking official command center. I’m happy with my progress so far even if its not completely fine tuned. It’s quite hard to control the crazy. So I’m figuring out how to live with it.

How do you keep organized? Would you like a deeper look into my organization? Please let me know what you think, and Click Follow, as this crazy band marches on. Happy Friday all! See you Monday for more Keto!


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